During the 2023 World Athletics Championships in Budapest, we have been able to gain a number of partnerships, of which the establishment of our cooperation with the Kenyan Athletics Association is of paramount importance and significance for us.

The World Athletics Championships are considered the third largest sporting event in the world, as was the case with the 2023 world event held in Budapest, where Climate Action was an official partner. The sporting event also brought something new in the field of sustainability, as several "green elements" appeared at the World Championships, from the presentation of forest development to education.

Climate change will make most cities in the Northern Hemisphere unsuitable for hosting the Summer Olympics after 2085, including Budapest, according to a study by the University of California, Berkeley. 
The 2023 World Athletics Championships in Budapest were the first to closely follow the objectives of the World Athletics sustainability strategy launched in 2020. The organizers of the 2024 Paris Olympics have set the goal of complete climate neutrality of the event, and from 2027 strict standards will be mandatory, with the goal of achieving carbon neutrality of events by 2030.

Therefore, Climate Action, as a company dealing with environmental protection, consulting and climate protection, could become the official partner of the 2023 World Athletics Championships and participate in the implementation of the sustainability strategy of the World Championships, in educating the population and encouraging them to move.

During the sporting event, we were able to gain a number of partnerships, of which our cooperation with the Kenyan Athletics Association is of paramount importance and significance to us. Special thanks to Maxwell Nyamu, Sustainability Manager of the Kenya Athletics Association, with whom we started to outline our joint project ideas, which resulted in a collaboration. In this way, our goal is to implement a strategy between Hungary and Kenya that can form a bridge towards sustainability.